Montag, Dezember 19, 2005

Apenas uma Música

Quebrando um pouco os objetivos desse blog, vou postar a letra de uma música. Essa música eu conheço a pouco tempo, mas inevitavelmente ressona com meus pensamentos. É incrível isso, não entendo como acontece. Pitágoras estava certo considerando a música um subconjunto da matemática contínua, ela é perfeita!

This work is not licensed under the Creative Commons License

El Diablo - Tsunami Bomb

I think about what's going on, then I stop thinking about it
I had a reason to believe that something's wrong...
It was only you for so long
The people ask but i don't hear
what's the question anyway?
I collect a fuzzy cloud of memories to sell to people who care

Not worth the time or energy
Take us for granted, you'll get what you ask for

Go! And don't look back at what you know
Now it's over and this chapter has been closed

The slate is blank, the day is new
The past is over, future's in view
I take my strength and apply it here
Obsolescence: that was what you feared
Don't look back at what you know
It's over and this chapter has been closed
When I open my eyes, you'll be gone
For you it's over, for me it's just begun

Let's not dwell on the past
My memory is fading now
I don't know you.

Now it's over! Prefect! Aguardem novos "artigos". Obrigado pela visita e volte sempre.